Paul Chapman
When humans develop technologies we do so for a purpose. However, when adverse environmental and social impacts consequent from these technologies arise, these are often considered using terms that have the effect of diminishing the impact: ‘collateral’ damage; externalities to the economic system (there is no alternative) etc. And let us not deny that according to the neoliberal economic agenda there “is no such thing as society”.
These adverse environmental and social impacts are currently mitigated by the law, but the law is a blunt instrument and very expensive. This body of work explores the possibility that an alternative means of mitigating environmental and social impacts is to find ways in which they can influence the design and purchase of technologies. This question is addressed by consideration of ‘sewerage’ technologies as these were the topics of the author’s masters and PhD theses. It pains me to “hear the planet screaming under the weight of human habitation” and my aim is to contribute to reducing the human footprint on this planet by applying the science to develop faecal waste technologies.
This phase of my journey began with a study of compost theory, but recently the community in which I live was faced with a conventional sewerage system, one that locked us into flush toilets (excessive water consumption), considerable energy consumption, and made nutrient recycle very difficult. Knowing that there were different ways of solving the nitrogen (N) load into the lake and that we weren’t even attempting to consider these other ways of thinking created a cognitive dissonance for me. An itch that needed to be scratched; perceived perhaps more as a cancer that needs to be cut out if humans are to survive on this planet.
That the council system drove the centralized reticulation proposal showed that the issue is not one of technology, but something else. Something that was a lot more difficult to challenge. This experience with the council extended my journey into the complexity of the Nature: human-use-of-Nature interface (that manifests in our technologies), to include the institutional/ commercial frameworks that surround technologies. Being an introvert turned out be an advantage on this journey as I intuitively shied away from the political challenge and retreated into the science; constantly seeking within the logic structures of science a way that Nature could be given a voice. This resulted in me finding information paths that may not have otherwise been uncovered.
This journey has been long and the conclusions are not necessarily correct. However readers may find it useful and, with thought, they may wish to add to it.
Eventually I perceived the difficulty as residing in the purpose for which we develop technologies, or more particularly that in order to avoid being overwhelmed by the detail, most purposes abstract only a small part of the full complexity. The adverse social and environmental impacts typically arise from the bits that have been left out. In addition, the context of most analysis do not adequately reflect the interconnectedness and system behaviour, consequently the technologies that are developed contain these limitations of context.
A useful but very tentative hypothesis to this human condition is that a community’s culture forms as a means of holding these contexts and this works more or less OK for a period of time as the context adequately aligns with cultural mores. But eventually pressures build because any abstraction is imperfect. In the case of sewerage systems the limitations of the beginning context has taken a couple of hundred years to manifest. The history of sewerage is revealing in this respect as the incentive to put sewage in pipes underground was driven by stench. However, solving the odour problem has not set up a system that easily recycles nutrients; the system becomes sub-optimum as social goals change.
To avoid any initial technology bias, this analysis begins with the full planetary complexity. This beginning stance preserves the full complexity, but necessitates a system for navigating through it. From the full planetary context, the analysis begins by separating the complexity into Nature + human + interconnections. This beginning stance is achieved by using the information realm. The value of this beginning stance is that the descriptions of Nature (the fundamental laws and processes etc.) are in a mathematical form, so large ‘structures’ of information can be formed independently of human politics, institutions and our personal preferences. While the analysis is outside human constructions there is no technology bias as all possibilities exist.
The manner of human interaction with Nature’s Structure then becomes a point at which technology optimisation questions, which include adverse social and environmental impacts, can be asked and answered. This analysis framework coincides with the point at which we develop our technologies, so these social and environmental values become embedded in the technologies. Surround these technologies with an information framework that encourages choice of those technologies that have least adverse social and environmental impacts and we have a system that can operate without needing threats of prosecution – or more particularly prosecution can be kept for those really belligerent individuals.
The complexity of this boundary is explored here. However readers can choose from 3 ways of exploring this boundary:
In all cases this is a journey through information space. It involves finding and using those parts of Nature’s Structure that either reach the human domain (such as equals, zero and one); or get sufficiently close that an information conduit can complete the information transfer (such as using the economic system and council rates in the case of Glenorchy’s sewage); to identification of the 3 dimensional surface formed by the optimising parameter that is useful for commerce and technology design. As Nature’s Structure can be formulated to be outside of human constructions then the information carried enables Nature to have a voice in human decisions – be it the Council chambers or the board room or the technology decision maker in the dwelling.